Sunday, 1 July 2012

Having an extended KitKat moment

Got back earlier this week from a cracking 10 day holiday in Majorca with family and friends. I did manage a couple of early morning 4 mile runs. One detailed below

But to be honest having had a 3 month abstinence from booze at the beginning of the year plus all the training I have been doing, I had a bit of a blowout and overdid it both on the booze and food and managed to put on quite a few pounds.

So I need to get back on the straight and narrow. What didn't help was that my first run this week with my Petts Wood Runners was the annual midsommers run which meant that the usual 7 groups were condensed to 3 and the run involved two pit stops with a choice of water, juice or a can of John Smiths were available. I'll let you make up your own mind which option I went for ;-)

As you can see there were plenty of us that required refreshments

The run finished backk at Mike the Kit Man's back garden (who provided splendid hospitality) and the annual awards were presented.  A good evening was had by all

I have been to the gym twice this week but have also had a few beers as well.  So tomorrow I am back in the groove both food/drink & fitness wise.  I had planned on running the Bewl 15 today, but to be honest after the last couple of weeks that was never going to happen.  So next race for me is the Dartford Half Marathon on 22nd July.  I had better start putting the miles in!!!

Until next time, TJH

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