Sunday, 5 August 2012

Olympic Fever

I am sure that the majority of blogs at the moment include references to the Olympics and I am no different and let's be honest you can't but help get caught up in the atmosphere.   Watching these athletes and sportsmen and women is truly inspiring!

I have always been a 'Sports' fan and can quite happily watch most sports, so when the Olympics is on I am like a pig in sh*t. It also helps that work has provided a live feed to everybody's PC, so whilst 'trying' to work I have managed to keep an eye on most of the going's on. You know who in the office is watching as well when there is a collective and synchronised "Yes" or "Get in there" as another Team GB medal is secured.

My 2yo boy is taking great interest as well and has been enjoying watching the cycling, rowing and swimming. This last bit is paticuarly comforting as I managed to secure tickets for the Paralympics this week which will mean a very long family day at the Olympic Park, but we will get to see the Aquatics Centre & Olympic Stadium. So I am really looking forward to that.

I had made a conscious decision before the Olympics started that I didn't want to be involved in the forecast commuting chaos. By all accounts it hasn't been too bad. But I cycled to and from work Mon to Thu this week and ran in to work on the Friday. So that means I have clocked up 88 miles on the bike & a 10 mile run as part of my commute.

As well as saving money and getting fitter, the cycling has been a joy as it seems that the Olympic Lanes means a significant reduction in traffic!

Saturday, I had my annual pilgramage to the Hogs Back Brewery; Brewers of my favourite ale, T.E.A (Traditional English Ale). This annual event involves meeting at my Boss's house followed by an 8 mile walk across the South Downs to the Brewery (my walk has an extra workout element as I have to carry my 2 and a half stone boy on my back)

After the Brewery tour, the brewery shop is then sponsored by my Visa card and then it is a cab back to my Boss's for dinner and consumption of vast quantities of real ale. Bliss!  Saturday evening had the added bonus of watching Team GB secure 3 sensational golds at the Olympic Stadium!


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