As you can guess from the title this blog is all about the 7s and 10s.
First 10
Was my run home from work on Wednesday evening. Not sure why, but I felt a bit lethargic and the run felt a bit of a struggle, maybe because I pushed it on the Sunday for a new 10k PB? Any experts out there? Maybe you can let me know how long it takes to recover from a hard run?
What was interesting though was my stats where alledgedly my fastest pace was a 2:43 m/mile? not sure over what distance that was though?
First 7
I was back at Bromley Parkrun on the Saturday and despite going out for a meal with the wife on the Friday night and consuming real ale, champagne, red wine, limoncello and cognac, I was only 7 seconds off my PB. Not sure that prep is something I will do regularly though!
Second 7 & Second 10
Sunday was my 7 year wedding anniversary (hence the meal Friday night) and what better way to celebrate than to leave the wife and go for a run :-) In my defence, I did take her breakfast in bed in the morning.
So just over an hour drive down into Kent saw me arriving in Sittingbourne for a 10mile road race hosted by the local Striders running club. And what a glorious morning it was, sunny yet not too hot, no wind and a very nice run in the Kent countryside.
There was over a dozen PWR's down there for the race and the talk was of the 'undulating' course. Why is it that 'undulating' is always the word used? To be fair it wasn't as bad as I was expecting with just one memorable climb, just after 1 mile and the rest was, well er undulating. I was pleased with my time of 1:21:42
I managed to bump into a chap from work (Kris) so I asked how he got on, "Oh not too bad 1:01, I came 3rd" he replied. God, I hate these natural athletes ;-)
Third 10
Last but by no mean's least is the 3rd 10 which is the Petts Wood 10k. This is the annual event being hosted by my club Petts Wood Runners next Sunday (14th October). This is the first time I have been involved in something like this and I am really looking forward to it and can now really appreciate how much time and effort goes into organising a race.
The PWR 10k always gets rave reviews on the Runner's World forums and was highlighted in the top 5 races in October in this month's Runner's World magazine. So if you are reading this and are relatively local, there are still spaces and you can enter via HERE or if you want to you can enter on the day. More info on the race can be found @
Hopefully I might see some of you next Sunday.
I will be there!! Cheers, Helen.