Thursday, 8 November 2012

All about running but not much running!

Since my last blog, quite a bit has happened related to running, but alas not much actual running.  In fact my first run was this morning.  So here is a bit of a brain dump of what's been happening and my thoughts.

Under the Weather
In addition to a hamstring strain (see below) I have also battled against an attack of potential Man Flu.  Now as everybody knows, if it had turned out to be full blown Man Flu, I might not even be here now typing this, but luckily it was just a cold.  I was planning on doing a longish run on Sunday but had a migraine attack and had a repeat attack on Tuesday which resulted in a day off work and no chance of me running with PWR in the evening.

Massage or Interrogation
After my 16 miler last Sunday, on Monday I woke with a very tight hamstring. Obviously I didn''t really have much of an opportunity of a warm down or stretch standing in a cold field and then trying to get a train, followed by one and a half hours in the car. I digress. So on Monday evening I had a sports massage and also repeated this again this Monday.  Now I will tell you something, if ever I am captured by the KGB, they won't need thumb screws or have to attach electrodes to my knackers.  All they need is to get a Sport Masseur to come in and start on my IT Band and I will sing like a canary!  I thought I had a high pain threshold, but when it comes to a sports massage, I am a big girl.

Happy Endings
Briefly touching on my 'Halloween Horror experience' for the final time before putting this one to bed. After communications with the customers services and not really getting anywhere, I decided to go to the top and contacted the owner of the company and I am happy to say, I got the resolution I was looking for.

Planning Ahead
November 1st was the day that entries for the Adidas 24hour Thunder Run opened.  So I entered a team of 5.  The logic being that a lap of the course is 10k.  If we average an hour per lap, we can do 24 laps, so four of us will do 5 laps and one of us will do 4 laps.  Along with myself  'Ray' my fellow team mates (all from Petts Wood Runners) are 'Karien', 'Emma', 'Matt' & 'Eleanor'.  If you take the our first initials you get the word 'KREME'  So ladies and gentlemen, I present to you team 'KREME KRACKERED'

I also booked up a family weekend in Barcelona for next year, that just happens to coincide with the Half Marathon, which is nice.

Decisions Decisions
As you are probably all aware the NYC Marathon was cancelled.  I tweeted at the time that I feel this was the RIGHT decision, but made at the WRONG time.  I think most people knew that their wasn't much chance of the event going ahead due to Danny Zuko's girlfriend making a bit of a mess.  My personal opinion is that New Yorkers are proud of being strong, brave and having a 'can do' attitude and maybe this is why they didn't want to make what would have been a braver decision to cancel the event earlier.  Although the cynic in me thinks that maybe from an economical point of view it made sense to get as many of the overseas people into New York?

Final Prep
So with the Valencia Marathon only 10 days away and my prep being interrupted somewhat, I did manage to get a 10 miler in this morning by running to work, with touch-wood, no ill effects


I have a 5 mile X-country this Sunday and will go out with PWR Tuesday evening and then do a 3 or 4 miler Thursday morning before flying out to Spain.

Until the next time

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